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What causes autism?

There is no single known cause for autism. Genetics are thought to play a role, but autism may also occur spontaneously, or due to other causes; all this is yet to be determined.

What we do know:

  • Autism is a complex disorder and affects each individual differently.
  • Vaccinations do not cause autism.
  • There is no cure for autism.
  • Early intervention (through a program based on evidence-based practices) can make a significant difference to a child's ability to develop essential life skills and live their best life.

While autism is a lifelong condition, with early intervention, many children can develop the ability to communicate, learn self-help and academic skills, and improve fine and gross motor skills which enables them to find a place within the community.

At AEIOU, we don't want to 'fix' autism. But after just one year at AEIOU, over 95% of children saw improvements in their early learning skills, 98.5% improved their overall communication, and 96.9% of children improved their fine motor skills. Studies have shown children who complete the AEIOU program experience a reduction in autism symptoms. Each child develops new skills and AEIOU supports every individual with a plan that is based on their unique strengths and needs.

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