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What next?

If you think your child has autism, or if you suspect they may not be developing typically, it's important to speak to a trusted medical professional. A paediatrician or clinical psychologist can assess and diagnose your child, upon a referral from your general practitioner.

Early intervention is essential and will give your child the best opportunity to develop the skills they need to live their best life. Once you have a diagnosis, you should choose a service provider which can offer your family the support you need. This is an important and personal choice that should consider the individual needs of your child. Feel free to view our Autism: The Early Years video series if you would like more information about early intervention and the services available.

What about AEIOU?

AEIOU provides therapeutic, early intervention services for children with autism aged two to six. Our focus is on helping children to develop essential skills so they can live their best lives, achieve their goals and participate meaningfully in the community.

As a registered NDIS service provider, we can also help you register as a participant of the Scheme and access funding supports. AEIOU employs dedicated NDIS Support Coordinators. You can click here to learn more about them and how they can help.

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