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Autism: The Early Years Video Series

If you are concerned your child is not developing typically, it’s important to speak to a health professional about the possibility of an autism diagnosis. Alternatively, if you’ve already received a diagnosis, you likely have many questions about the road ahead.

At AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism, we understand how important it is for parents and carers to feel well supported while navigating these early days. We’ve designed this resource to provide useful information and practical advice on the topics we most frequently encounter. These nine videos, which cover the areas of family, behaviours and communication, feature autism experts employed by AEIOU, along with mums, dads and children enrolled at our centres.

These resources are a good starting point for your research, which is why they’re FREE to view and share.


Part 1: Understanding Autism

Part 1: Understanding Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurological developmental disorder, with children typically requiring support with communication, behaviour, self-help, social and academic skills.

Part 2: Help after a diagnosis

Part 2: Help after a diagnosis

Because autism affects every child differently, it’s important to seek an early intervention service which provides an individualised program. Find out what to look for in.

Part 3: Family impacts of autism

Part 3: Family impacts of autism

Having a child with autism can cause significant strain on the family, not just emotionally, but also on time and finances. Be assured, there are useful community support networks you can tap into.


Part 4: Understanding behaviour: Proactive strategies for change

Part 4: Understanding behaviour: Proactive strategies for change

There’s a reason behind all behaviours and by working collaboratively with a qualified therapy team, you can learn useful proactive strategies which will benefit your child and family.

Part 5: Building toileting skills

Part 5: Building toileting skills

Every child can be toilet trained or taught to use the toilet on a timed schedule. Quality early intervention will provide you with supports and tactics which will give your child greater independence.

Part 6: Managing behaviours of concern

Part 6: Managing behaviours of concern

It’s common for children with autism to exhibit self-injurious behaviours. Seeking support in the early days will help you to understand the underlying reasons and find an approach which will reduce or eliminate the behaviour.


Part 7: Coping with public spaces

Part 7: Coping with public spaces

Having a child with autism can greatly impact on your family’s ability to access the community. Learn about strategies which have helped other families make outings more manageable and enjoyable.

Part 8: Helping your child make friends

Part 8: Helping your child make friends

All parents want their child to build friendships. Learning the appropriate skills begins with simple ‘play’ and is something you can work on in your home.

Part 9: Creating independence and meeting your child’s needs

Part 9: Creating independence and meeting your child’s needs

If your child struggles with simple day-to-day living tasks, such as getting dressed, there are many strategies developed by therapists which can help develop independence and confidence.

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