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Preparing for transition is an integral element of our evidence-based program, and preparations begin well in advance of the children’s last days at our centres.

Along with their families, our graduating students are provided with strategies which help them achieve independence in their new environment, from tasks such as morning preparations and putting away their bags, to participating in classroom activities and socialising with peers.

While considerable attention is provided to the child to achieve these skills, families are engaged through individual program meetings and workshops focusing on transition.

 AEIOU also actively in engages with schools, teachers and therapists who will be responsible for the next stage of our children’s education and care. Through meetings, both at AEIOU and at the child’s next setting, we work to ensure a smooth transition.

Consistency in delivering strategies at AEIOU, in the home environment and the next educational setting is key to success.

We remain connected to children and their families long after they leave our environment, helping them through their journey, and participating in research projects which enable us to continually review our evidence based program.

AEIOU was a key contributor to the Department of Education and Training's Transition to school for young children with ASD - Online Resource Package.

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