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Our curriculum

Our curriculum

AEIOU has developed an autism-specific curriculum, supporting children to meet developmental milestones, with an emphasis on their individual needs.

You may be familiar with how a school curriculum organises goals into streams such as literacy, numeracy or history. AEIOU Foundation is very similar, however our curriculum, which is consistent across all centres, is designed to support children to meet important developmental milestones.  It is evidence-based, which means the tactics we employ have been researched and reviewed by experts in the field of early intervention.

At AEIOU, we spend time getting to know your child, and develop a sound understanding of your child’s unique sensibilities. For the best outcomes, close collaboration with a child and his or her parents or carers is essential.

The curriculum is organised into 11 learning areas, or domains. These include:

  • Classroom attending skills
  • Echoics
  • Visual perception
  • Social skills
  • Play skills
  • Expressive language skills
  • Receptive language skills
  • Self-help skills
  • Intraverbal skills
  • Imitation skills, and
  • Academic skills.

Within the AEIOU curriculum there are seven levels of goals to support the continuation of skill development. Each domain is split into a hierarchy of skills, and children are supported to meet ‘prerequisite’ skills, to ensure they do not skip ahead to another level, missing a core learning or developmental skill. AEIOU’s approach to goal-driven planning means we are teaching developmentally appropriate goals.

At every step, data is collected for each individual child. AEIOU’s program coordinators work with the therapy and teaching teams in each classroom for fidelity measures, monitoring each child’s progress and identifying areas where more support may be needed, while also reviewing progress for the group, and organisation at large.

Parents are regularly updated, and participate in one-on-one meetings on a bi-annual basis (more often if required) to ensure they are up to date with their child’s progress, with opportunity to review individual goals.

Our centres are open Monday to Friday from 7.00 am to 5.00pm, with the exception of AEIOU's Sippy Downs centre which closes at 6.00pm.

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